
9:30am - 12:30pm


MS Teams


£500 +VAT

6 hours CPD

An introductory overview of current planning policy and regulatory background behind flood risk assessment and surface water drainage (including the requirements of the Sequential and Exception Tests and Sustainable Drainage Systems). This one day course outlines the requirements for Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) at a site-specific scale for individual sites. Reference will be made to the relevance of Strategic Flood Risk Assessments and Catchment Flood Management Plans.

Is this course for you?

  • Do you need to review Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) or undertake one yourself? This course would appeal to planners, consultants and property developers..

What's covered?

  • Why Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) are required
  • FRA requirements.
  • Flood risk management concepts

This course is accredited by the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management and attendance will contribute toward your continuing professional development (CPD).

If you have any queries about this event, please contact .

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Meet the course presenter:

Course presenter: Howard Keeble MPhil BEng BSc CertBusStud CEng CEnv CSci MICE MCIWEM C.WEM

Howard is Technical Director for flood risk engineering and will provide technical oversight for cost review, engineering and environmental constraints. Howard has completed numerous assessment and design schemes. Prior to joining JBA, Howard completed the design and construction phase for the graving dock lock gate replacement and wall repairs at the Albert Dock in Liverpool, a Grade II listed structure. Howard has also completed embankment, lock gate failure and breach assessment appraisal as well as the cost benefit review and engineering design. Howard has also undertaken engineering and maintenance reviews for canals in the South of England including capital and maintenance costing.

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