Hosted by BeFloodReady, CIWEM's Community of Practice for Property Flood Resilience
Event description
During the winter we’ve seen the devastating impact of flooding on communities, property, and more importantly people.
Property Flood Resilience (PFR) is increasingly being used by households and businesses to reduce the risk of flooding occurring and the resultant damage if water enters a property. However, awareness and the uptake of PFR approaches remain low.
PFR is unique in terms of the interactions with people and reliance on individuals for operation and maintenance. The planning, design, and construction of PFR must be more collaborative than traditional flood defences as measures will be installed in and on the properties where people live, and/or work. The operation often requires manual deployment by those within the property and all PFR measures will need to be maintained to ensure they’re ready for their next use.
A key part of planning and designing PFR is for professionals to understand end users (i.e. property owners, occupants, and insurers) desires, budgets capabilities to deploy and maintain PFR measures.
This free webinar delivered by BeFloodReady, CIWEM’s Community of Practice for PFR will explore some of the benefits of PFR, the key interactions with people, behavioural aspects, and other important considerations for the design and delivery of PFR. It will be relevant to professionals managing flood risk, and those involved or interested in PFR delivery.
Part of the CIWEM Flood Adaption and Resilience series.
Register for 16 April 2024