
9:30am - 1:00pm




£60 (Including local taxes, where applicable)

Event description 

CIWEM’s UDG training day is a popular event which has sold out quickly in recent years. Following the success of the digital Autumn conference and the continued impact of the global pandemic the training day is going virtual this year! The training will be split into two morning sessions from 28 - 29 April, allowing delegates to fit this training into their work-day while avoiding screen fatigue.

We are pleased to announce that this training will take place on the Hopin platform. The platform is designed to feel like an in-person training event — not only will delegates be able to interact with speakers through the live Q&A and sessions but with fellow delegates too. As a delegate you will be able to take part in group work, share your views through the chat, take part in speed-networking and arrange meetings with fellow delegates. We hope you will enjoy this new platform but most importantly, we hope you enjoy the content.

The training day is targeted at relatively new recruits to the water and built environment sectors, those looking to top-up their learning or wanting to learn about a new topic. This year the training conference will look at enhancing your knowledge and skills in planning and designing Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in UK urban drainage systems.

SuDS mimic natural drainage to manage rainfall where it falls in some instances harvesting and using it. More commonly SuDS slow the flow, provide opportunities for infiltration and local storage. Urbanisation and a changing climate can pose problems for our water cycle, with increasing risks of local flooding, water shortages and diffuse pollution. SuDS can help tackle these challenges, improve resilience and the quality of our local environment. SuDS can also create better places and spaces for people to live, work and play – bringing back beauty into our towns and cities.

Overall objectives of the training include:

  • Understand why Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) are beneficial for the water industry.
  • Understand the benefits of SuDS.
  • Understand what good SuDS design looks like.
  • Understand how regulations can assist with the delivery of SuDS.
  • Provide an overview of the opportunities for SuDS in the built environment.
  • Provide an overview of valuing the benefits from SuDS.
  • Appreciate how opportunities and benefits of SuDS can underpin partnership working


For further enquiries email events@ciwem.org


  • Paul Shaffer, Associate at CIRIA | Chair and Moderator
  • Sophie Tucker, Area Engineering Manager (Ww Network) at United Utilities | SuDs and the water industry
  • Kevin Barton, Director and Landscape Architect at Robert Bray Associates | What does good SuDS look like?
  • Chris Patmore, Technical Director at WSP | Overview of the Ofwat’s Code for Adoption Agreements - Design Construction Guidance
  • Emily Clarke, Flood Partnerships Manager at Anglian Water | Opportunities, benefits and developing partnerships for SuDS and nature based solutions
  • Bryony Crickmore, Senior Modeller at Atkins | Opportunity mapping for SuDS
  • Neil Kirsopp, Senior Drainage Engineer at Atkins | Opportunity mapping for SuDS
  • Chris Digman, Executive Technical Director at Stantec | Estimating the benefits from SuDS

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