Subscription Fees 2025

We've put together a list of FAQs to help answer all of your queries about subscription fees for 2025. Find all the information you need about CIWEM's membership fees, associated costs and reduced rates here.

Pay online

A downloadable version of the 2025 Membership Subscriptions can be downloaded found here.


Annual Subscription Fee / Application Fee

Low Income Country Annual Subscription Fee

Student/ Apprentice Member


CIWEM offers complimentary membership for all students enrolled in full-time and part-time education (this includes students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, as well as apprenticeship schemes).


Graduate Member

The application fee is £155.00 for all graduate applicants (or £100.00 if your company is a corporate member). This covers your subscription till the end of the calendar year.

The annual subscription fee is £161.00


Environmental Partner

The application fee is £155.00 (or £100.00 if your company is a corporate member). This covers your subscription till the end of the calendar year.

The annual subscription fee is £170.00


Technician Member (TechCIWEM)

The application fee is £155.00 (or £100.00 if your company is a corporate member).

The annual subscription fee is £161.00


Member (MCIWEM)

The application fee is £155.00 (or £100.00 if your company is a corporate member).

The annual subscription fee is £246.00

You won’t be charged an application fee if you are already a fee-paying member of CIWEM, you will only need to pay the transfer fee of £55.00 if/when you are accepted.


Chartered Member (C.WEM)

The application fee is £155.00 (or £100.00 if the company you work for is a corporate member).

The annual subscription fee is £346.00

You won’t be charged an application fee if you are already a fee-paying member of CIWEM, you will only need to pay the transfer fee of £55.00 if/when you are accepted.

All Chartered Member candidates will be called in for a Professional Interview after their application has been assessed. The fee for the Professional Review is £195.00.

Please see below the fees for any external registrations that you hold/apply for.


Associate Member (ACIWEM)

The annual subscription fee is £191.00.

Please note this grade is no longer open to new applications.


Fellow Member (FCIWEM)

The application fee is £155.00 (or £100.00 if the company you work for is a corporate member).

The annual subscription fee is £360.00.

For direct entry, Fellows invited to a Professional Interview after the initial application, a fee Professional Review Fee of £195.00 will be billed.

You won’t be charged an application fee if you are already a fee-paying member of CIWEM, you will only need to pay the transfer fee of £55.00 if/when you are accepted.


Retired Membership

Annual Subscription Fee Low Income Country Annual Subscription Fee
With all publications£127.00£63.50
Without publications£51.00£25.50
The Environment Magazine only £106.00£53.00
Journal only £83.00£41.50

You will receive a renewal notification by email or post before the end of your subscription year, usually in October. If you have provided us with a valid email address and pay by Direct Debit, you will receive a renewal notification by email informing you of when your first payment will be taken for the new membership subscription year and the amount. If you have not provided us with a valid email address, you will receive the same renewal notification by post.

If you have provided us with a valid email address and pay by any other method you will receive a renewal notification by email, informing you of the amount and how to renew. If you have not provided us with a valid email address, you will receive the same renewal notification by post.

Subscription Payments for Multiple Registrations:

We are aware members holding external registrations with CIWEM are currently required to pay for individual membership types and registrations separately, including CIWEM subscriptions, Engineering Council/Science Council/Society for the Environment Registrations and Regulation Management Fees.

We are working to resolve this issue and enable multiple payments to be made in one transaction online. In the meantime, we ask you to pay for the individual subscriptions types separately. A single payment can be made via BACs transfer or by calling the membership team on +44(0)207 831 3110. Please find full details of the payment options below.

Pay Online: Subscriptions can be paid online via the MyCIWEM members’ area of our website using a credit/debit card.

Pay via Direct Debit: Paying your membership via Direct Debit makes life much easier for yourself and will mean you never experience any lapse in your member and professional registration, at the same time you help us be more sustainable by saving paper, postage and the time to process your membership for the year ahead.

If you would like to transfer your membership subscription payment to a Direct Debit you will just log into MyCIWEM and select 'Switch to Direct Debit' in the 'My Memberships' tab. To pay your 2025 membership subscriptions via Direct Debit, all transfer requests must be received by 01 November 2024. Payment is taken is two instalments, in December and January.

If you set up a Direct Debit after the 01 January 2025, any outstanding subscription fees will be collected in a single payment following confirmation of your Direct Debit. For the following year, you will be charged in two instalments in December and January.

Pay via BACS: If you wish to pay via BACS, please use the following bank details, quoting your membership number as the payment reference, please send remittance to Barclays Commercial Bank, 1 Churchill Place, LONDON, E14 5HP

Account No: 43422860

Sort Code:20 01 58

Swift/BIC Number: BUKBGB22

IBAN: GB87 BUKB 2001 5843 4228 60

Pay via Cheque: Payments made by cheque should be made payable to CIWEM and sent to CIWEM Membership, 106-109 Saffron Hill, Farringdon, London, UK. You should include your name, membership number and email address, cheques received without this information cannot be processed.

Subscriptions can be paid online via the MyCIWEM members’ area of our website using a credit/debit card.

Once you have logged in your invoice can be accessed by clicking the 'Membership Subscription' button, please note once this have been clicked your membership fees will move into your cart. If you do not pay at this point your fees with remain in your cart and your account may show you have no outstanding subscriptions.

Payment is then processed via the SagePay portal within the checkout, click 'Pay with SagePay' to proceed to payment.

Please contact the membership team on +44(0)207 831 3110 or by emailing if you have any queries.

Paying your membership via Direct Debit makes life much easier for yourself and will mean you never experience any lapse in your member and professional registration, at the same time you help us be more sustainable by saving paper, postage and the time to process your membership for the year ahead.

If you would like to transfer your membership subscription payment to a Direct Debit you will just log into MyCIWEM and select 'Switch to Direct Debit' in the 'My Memberships' tab. Once you have set up your Direct Debit you will receive an email from GoCardless, who process all of our Direct Debit payments. You will not need to do anything once you have received this message, however please do keep this for your records as this will show your Direct Debit mandate set up with your bank. Payments are taken in two instalments in December and January. If you set up a Direct Debit after the 01 January 2025, any outstanding subscription fees will be collected in a single payment following confirmation of your Direct Debit. For the following year, you will be charged in two instalments in December and January.

Chartered Scientist (CSci) annual fee: £54.00

All members registered with external bodies will be required to pay a regulation management fee:

Standard fee: £29.17 + VAT 20%= £35.00

Retired fee: £22.50 + VAT 20% = £27.00

Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) annual fee: £51.50

Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) first year registration fee (which includes the annual registration until the end of the calendar year): £102.90

Registered Environmental Practitioner (REnvP) annual fee: £34.30

Registered Environmental Practitioner (REnvP) first year registration fee (which includes the annual registration until the end of the calendar year): £68.60

All members registered with external bodies will be required to pay a regulation management fee:

Standard fee: £29.17 + VAT 20%= £35.00

Retired fee: £22.50 + VAT 20% = £27.00

Annual fee full registration: CEng £47.84; IEng £40.60; EngTech £23.28.

Entry fee (for new registrants) and first year subscription: CEng £62.21; IEng £52.52; EngTech £21.53.

Annual Fee Interim Registration: CEng £17.09; IEng £17.09; EngTech £17.09.

Retired/Hardship rates: CEng £21.63; IEng £18.01; EngTech £10.32.

All members registered with external bodies will be required to pay a regulation management fee:

Standard fee: £29.17 + VAT 20%= £35.00

Retired fee: £22.50 + VAT 20% = £27.00

Annual Subscription Fee

Student 55.00

Graduate £182.00

Technician (TechCIWEM) £182.00

Environmental Partner £189.00

Member (MCIWEM) £280.00

Chartered Member (C.WEM) £348.00

Fellow (FCIWEM) £361.00

Retired Member (no CIWEM publications) £64.50

Retired Member (with CIWEM publications) £142.00

Low-Income Country Fee

Student £38.00

Graduate £121.00

Technician (TechCIWEM) £121.00

Environmental Partner £123.00

Member (MCIWEM) £162.00

Chartered Member (C.WEM) £185.00

Fellow (FCIWEM) £192.00

Retired Member (no CIWEM publications) £47.00

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan

Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi

Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Colombia, Congo (The Democratic Republic of the), Costa Rica, Cote D'Ivoire, Cuba

Dijbouti, Dominica

Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvado, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia


Gambon, Gambia (The), Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana

Haiti, Honduras

India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic Of), Iraq

Jamaica, Jordan

Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic

Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya

Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mexico, Moldovia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar

Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria

Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines


Samoa, Sao Tome and Principle, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Aran Republic

Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo, Tongo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu

Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam


Zambia, Zimbabwe

Yes, we offer discounts on your annual subscription fee if you are experiencing financial hardship, this may includes taking a career break, for maternity and paternity reasons or unemployment.

To be considered for these reductions, please contact the membership team on +44(0)207 831 3110 or by emailing to receive a reduced subscription application form.

The subscription year runs from 01 January until 31 December each year. You will receive an electronic notification of your annual subscription in October for the following year's subscription fees. These are to be paid by the 01 January.

CIWEM members can claim tax relief on annual membership fees as an HMRC approved body, please note you cannot claim tax back:

  • on fees or subscriptions you’ve paid to professional organisations not approved by HMRC.
  • for life membership subscriptions.
  • for fees or subscriptions you’ve not paid for yourself.

The full list of approved professional organisations can be viewed here.

Your membership subscription invoices and receipts can be found here, once you have logged into your account there is a link on the left hand side of the screen where you can ‘Print Your Membership Receipts’.

Become a member

Whether you are studying, actively looking to progress your career, or already extensively experienced, our membership will add value and recognition to your achievements.

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