Course Overview

Designed and delivered by CIWEM & Partners and commissioned by the Environment Agency, this comprehensive suite of Property Flood Resilience (PFR) training unifies the PFR industry and establishes competencies for those delivering PFR in accordance with the Code of Practice for PFR.

This training suite of 24 modules is designed specifically for industry professionals already delivering PFR services and measures. The modules will provide specific technical training under each standard of the Code of Practice for Property Flood Resilience to upskill and align the industry on a unified approach to PFR delivery. Those completing the required training and demonstrating the relevant industry experience will be invited to apply to become a 'Certified Professional' in the delivery of flood resilience measures. Please find the guidance to become a certified Property Flood Resilience professional here.

People and Property Flood Resilience | BeFloodReady, CIWEM’s Community of Practice

Missed our "People & Property Flood Resilience" webinar earlier this year? Delivered by BeFloodReady, CIWEM’s Community of Practice, this session explored the advantages of PFR, important human interactions, behavioral factors, and critical design and delivery issues.

Perfect for professionals managing flood risk and anyone interested in PFR.

Catch up on the recording here
Join CIWEM's BeFloodReady Community of Practice to stay updated here

Course Details

  • Final application: 2 days
  • TBH

Certified Property Flood Resilience professional

  • Find the guidance here
  • Join a public register of professionals
  • Fulfil requirements of an Environment Agency framework provider
  • Independent insurance of your competency
  • Network with industry peers

Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations for Property Flood Resilience

Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations for Property Flood Resilience, is the Foundation modules introduce the attendees to the elements of property flood resilience (PFR) within the context of flood risk management. It will provide answers to what is it like to have your home flooded? What is PFR – resistance and resilience? Why is PFR needed? What are its limitations and where can things go wrong? What are the issues that need to be addressed? The Foundation modules provide the appropriate foundation and introduction to professionals and stakeholders of property flood resilience to understand the background and considerations of implementing PFR approaches for the property and end user. The training also aims to provide an entry point for the reminder of the PFR Code or Practice training programme. Please note this Foundation Training is a prerequisite for all technical training modules.

Delivery mode: E-Learning + Surgery session

Next surgery session:

19th February 2025 10:00 - 12:00

(Limited availability)

PFR Industry Training

Code of Practice Standard One Training

The CoP 1 modules will equip learners with an appropriate understanding of flood sources and an ability to critically appraise and use alternative sources of flood hazard data. The training aims to ensure the PFR choices are appropriate given the flood hazard(s). Upon the completion of this module, the attendees should understand the different flood sources, alternative assessment approaches and the sources of relevant uncertainties in those assessments.

Delivery mode: E-Learning

Code of Practice Standard Two Training

The CoP 2 modules provide the appropriate training and information to allow the attendees to successfully undertake a property survey in accordance with the standards set in Standard 2 of the Code of Practice. The CoP2 modules aim to equip the attendees with the knowledge/skills and confidence to undertake a survey of the property and understand the end user requirements. The survey aspect will focus on the understanding of the construction and use of the building and the current level of PFR so options can be considered bearing in mind the needs of the end user. The training will ensure a clear understanding of the preferences/capability and needs of the end user.

Delivery mode: E-Learning

Code of Practice Standard Three Training

The CoP 3 modules provide the appropriate training and information to allow the attendees to successfully identify and consider suitable PFR strategy/options for the property and end user. The training aims to equip the attendees with the knowledge, skills and confidence to consider the different PFR strategies and options taking into consideration the findings from PFR Standards 1 and 2. This will include providing the attendees with the tools to undertake a Cost V Benefit analysis and provide clear advice to the client on the different strategies.

Delivery mode: Live Virtual / Residential, E-Learning

Code of Practice Standard Four Training

The CoP 4 modules deliver the required knowledge in order to ensure students acquire the appropriate levels of understanding and competence that will be required in order to successfully and competently recognise, evaluate, deliver and fit a broad range of property level flood resistance and resilience products and services.

The quality of construction and delivered flood resisting measure will ensure that the PFR measures that are specified and designed after site, risk and building evaluations; will deliver the levels of flood resilience or recoverability that are intended.

Delivery mode: Live Virtual / Residential, E-Learning

Code of Practice Standard Five Training

The CoP 5 modules deliver the required knowledge in order to ensure students acquire the appropriate levels of understanding and competence required to successfully and competently commission, test and handover completed PFR works. The course attendees will be able to assess the quality of PFR works and ensure that they are capable of successful operation. They will be able to provide the end user with the appropriate information about the operation and future maintenance of the PFR.

Delivery mode: Live Virtual, E-Learning

Code of Practice Standard Six Training

The CoP 6 modules provide a summary of the roles and responsibilities for the effective operation and maintenance of installed PFR measures to the designed level of resilience.

The training aims to ensure that the course attendees are clear on all roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders in the Operation and Maintenance processes. The attendees should understand what product information to capture and record throughout the life of the PFR products, be able to identify when product maintenance and/or replacement is required and/or the flood resilience has changed from the design. They should also understand where and why post-flood investigations may be applicable following a flood event, and how to successfully undertake these inspections, including inspection requirements for each individual PFR measure and the system as a whole.

Delivery mode: Live Virtual, E-Learning

Assessment and Certification

Contact Us

If you have any questions please email our team at or call 020 7831 3110.

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