Course Overview
Designed and delivered by CIWEM & Partners and commissioned by the Environment Agency, this comprehensive suite of Property Flood Resilience (PFR) training unifies the PFR industry and establishes competencies for those delivering PFR in accordance with the Code of Practice for PFR.
This training suite of 24 modules is designed specifically for industry professionals already delivering PFR services and measures. The modules will provide specific technical training under each standard of the Code of Practice for Property Flood Resilience to upskill and align the industry on a unified approach to PFR delivery. Those completing the required training and demonstrating the relevant industry experience will be invited to apply to become a 'Certified Professional' in the delivery of flood resilience measures. Please find the guidance to become a certified Property Flood Resilience professional here.

People and Property Flood Resilience | BeFloodReady, CIWEM’s Community of Practice
Missed our "People & Property Flood Resilience" webinar earlier this year? Delivered by BeFloodReady, CIWEM’s Community of Practice, this session explored the advantages of PFR, important human interactions, behavioral factors, and critical design and delivery issues.
Perfect for professionals managing flood risk and anyone interested in PFR.
Catch up on the recording here
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