WEM Pride is a network created by CIWEM for LGBTQIA+ people and their allies who work, study and volunteer in Water and Environment Management.

WEM Pride was founded after conversations within and beyond CIWEM, inspired by similar initiatives in the global water and STEMM sectors. Whilst large organisations may have LGBTQIA+ initiatives or networks, many smaller WEM organisations may not have these support systems or the resources to create them, this is where the WEM Pride network can help.

Many LGBTQIA+ individuals feel it is inappropriate, unprofessional or unsafe for them to be out at work. Some face microaggressions or overt homophobic behaviour. Dealing with these, whether they choose to report them or not, takes time, energy and affects their motivation and productivity.

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WEM Pride aims to:

Ensure CIWEM provides support and guidance for WEM organisations worldwide. 
Make visible and amplify the voices of the WEM LGBTQIA+ community. 
Increase support available to the WEM LGBTQIA+ community (resources, safe spaces, best practice for allies). 
Provide safe spaces for WEM LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies to meet, network, share experiences and ideas. 
Discuss and learn from approaches to LGBTQIA+ and EDI initiatives to contribute to progress on action. 
Break down the cis- and heteronormative façade of WEM so LGBTQIA+ people feel safe, valued and included.

News and Features

The WEM Pride Steering Committee helps shape how this initiative grows (Terms of Reference). If you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community or an ally and would like to be on the steering committee, please get in touch with Jude at: jude.noro@ciwem.org.

WEM Pride was co-founded by Dr Sarah Ward (Westcountry Rivers Trust) and Francesca Batchelor (former CIWEM colleague), following conversations with former CIWEM President Niki Roach, Jack Poole (former CIWEM colleague), and Jacquie Moon and Brendan Moore who co-founded Pride in Water Australia.

Join the WEM Pride Network on Linkedin